Universal Design of Work Places (Book launch)

Last year, I was invited to write a book chapter on the growth of Universal Design by a Swedish initiative aiming at creating and supporting inclusive workplaces in Sweden. I gave the chapter the title: "The Growth of Universal Design – A Shift in Culture?" (In Swedish: "Framväxten av universell utformning – en kulturomdaning?"). The book was launched on January 20, 2022. It is in Swedish, but there is a short summary of my chapter below. I also have a video on YouTube on the same theme, link below.

The Growth of Universal Design – A Shift in Culture?

Short Summary

Over the past decade, universal design has gained a strong foothold
Swedish policy. The purpose of this introductory chapter is to describe some of the basic ideas of universal design and give examples of their application in architecture and design, education and learning as well as at workplaces. In the chapter, I argue that universal design both presupposes and brings with it a cultural transformation. More specifically, it is about societal development with equality at the forefront and where thought patterns of norm-deviation are increasingly challenged. Instead, a society emerges where each person is understood as unique, and which takes its starting point in this multitude of diversity - a diversity-driven societal development.

Kunskap för framgångsrik inkludering - ny forskningsrapport
UUA presenterar en ny kunskapssammanställning av Universell Utformning av Arbetsplatser, där fem forskare medverkar med nyskrivna texter. Ur fem olika perspektiv och forskningsfält närmar de sig frågan om inkludering i arbetslivet, och diskuterar vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att lyckas, baser…

Link to the UUA initiative's website, where the book is available for download for free. 

Interview with me for the book launch event

Forskning: Låt konkreta situationer visa vägen
Konkreta situationer kan visa vad som hindrar delaktighet på arbetsplatsen. Dessa hinder behöver jobbas bort och UUA har verktygen som krävs, enligt Per-Olof Hedvall, forskare vid Lunds universitet.

Link to an interview with me for the book launch. 

Video on YouTube: Universal Design - A Shift in Culture.